Thursday, August 1, 2019

Maslow and Taylor Essay

The maslow pyramid of needs symbolise a theory needs and motivations of the 40s by Abraham maslow this pyramid is divided to 5 levels, according to him the human being tries to satisfy one need in one level before they start thinking about the next one :the person start with the level at the bottom which is the bare necessities like food and the shelter†¦ when all physiological needs are stisfied the person steps up to the next level which is security (health, work, belongings) then they jump to the social needs where people need to be a part of a society a group a family†¦ where they can communicate and work as a team then the 4th need which is the esteem of thenselfs and people, people need to see that they are respected then the last one which is the† self actualisation† which measured by how people see themselfs and their success in challenges in their work †¦ On the other hand Taylor sees the work motivation differently and talks about it with a theory of scientific management : which is mostly based on motivation by pay because according to him workers dont enjoy their work thats why they need to be controled. for that managers should separate production into small tasks and workers should get the training for the task they are meant to do as they can work efficiently on their task , theses workers are paid according to the number0 of items they have produced on a period of time which motivate them to increase their productivity . in other words Taylor sees workers as machines and makes them over-exploited. The main difference between how maslow and taylor see the workers motivation is that the second thinks that money is the only motivation which we can see in everydays life that it is false, maslow separed motivation to 5 levels when the worker satisfies one level of needs he moves up to an other level and become more demanding this is why workers under taylorism went on strikes , because there is many factors apart from income that affects the workers motivation like the working conditions the recognisation of their work , the greatings of the manager †¦

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