Saturday, December 21, 2019

Critical Analysis Of The Literary Underground Of The Old...

Critical Analysis of the Literary Underground of the Old Regime Robert Darnton wrote, â€Å"The literary underground of the old regime† with many goals in mind. He wanted to elucidate the history of literature or printed books as they are known today. Politics may also have motivated the author because he reveals the countercultural elements of the French Revolution. It is also clear from the book that the Enlightenment was not as it seems. Darnton did a remarkable job of combing out the hidden facets of the Enlightenment era; contrary to popular opinion, it was a dark time of censorship, elite domination of literature and radical underground expressionism. Analysis Present day readers presume that the Enlightenment era was a period of equality and intellectual liberty. They also acknowledge a countercultural element in which society rejected orthodox religion for a more personal faith. However, few contemporary audiences know about the struggles of Enlightenment writers. In fact, the book has attempted to show the contradictory nature of this period in history. One eventually realizes that it was not a homogeneous affair as many historians have portrayed it. The economic and socio-political climate of the day constrained would-be intellectuals from taking their place. Writers of the late 1700s did not engage in countercultural expression merely because of anti-establishment sentiment. Unavailable opportunities pushed authors into this corner. Grub Street thrived becauseShow MoreRelatedThe Underground Music Scene Reflect The Socio Political Situation Of Contemporary Iran?1493 Words   |  6 Pages ‘To what extent does the underground music scene reflect the socio-political situation of contemporary Iran?’ A review of literature A reoccurring observation made in literature focused on music in contemporary Iran, is the challenge music has faced since the Islamic revolution of 1979 and the subsequent establishment of a theocratic state . 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