Thursday, June 20, 2019

Film Analysis Paper Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Film Analysis Paper - Movie Review ExampleSome of the key characters of the film argon Maximus the gladiator or warrior, portrayed by Russell Crowe. Commodus the young Roman Emperor is well played by Joaquin Phoenix. Apart from them, Connie Nielson did the role of Lucilla a capable miss of the Emperor. And Oliver Reed and Richard Harris are the some other significant actors in the film.The film Gladiator is interconnected with the Roman power and ruling strategies and the life style of the people position and different categories. Marcus Aurelius who an aged emperor of Rome decides to entrust the power of his kingdom to Maximus who is an efficient and respected General of Rome. But Commodus kills his father Marcus with a suffocating compact and further wants to execute Maximus. Whereas, Commodus fails to kill Maximus who flees from the land while latters wife and child are mercilessly killed. While escaping Maximus is captured and taken into slavery where he is trained as gladiat or and finally moves to Rome with the motive of defeating all even the emperor. In spite of difficulties and hurdles he accomplishes his dream and dies after beseeming victorious.This adventures movie is the fruit and result of the Excellency acting too. The actors remarkably contributed, especially Maximus while portraying the character of general undertook many adventures fights. While on the other end, marvelous performance of Commodus playing a negative role also gained the attention of the viewers. Lucilla and Aurelius and the little kid too demonstrated their talent in do the film a unique in every sense.Movie is widely appreciated for its filming techniques. The remarkable areas of this technique go to the image or tv camera techniques and the sound effects. Shots from different angles and positions made the film eye catching such as close up, medium, long, parallel, high angle, ground and reverse shots. According to Barsam and Monahan, editing juxtaposes man-to-man shots, orders them into scenes, and

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