Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Gods command Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gods command - Essay Example This passage shows that human beings are nothing without God and we cannot achieve anything until God decides to bestow his blessing upon us and fulfill our needs and wants. No matter how hard we work and no matter how educated or literate we become, we cannot achieve anything in this world without the blessings of God. For example, An individual who studies hard day and night can only end up scoring an â€Å"A† grade in his/her exam if God wants to allow him that grade. We should not only work hard, we should even pray hard and bow down before God if we want to achieve our aims and objectives. God has the ability to perform miracles such as the miracle of water flowing out of rock is one of the greatest examples of miracles that God can perform. This tells us that we should not be scared of anyone or any huge obstacle in our life. This even tells us that we should have faith in God and work hard and a combination of belief in God and hard work will help us in crossing the mos t difficult obstacles in our life. We see our politicians taking credit for performing very important tasks. Due to this we end up following them as we believe that these politicians will help us in attaining our aims and objectives in life. Firstly, these politicians should realize that they are nothing if God and if God does not want them to be popular, they will never become popular. God uses human beings to help His people as He cannot come to earth and help us out. So instead of praising the human element.

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