Sunday, July 28, 2019

HR Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

HR Management - Essay Example In the case of human resource management in the hospitality industry, it is necessary to take into account the vulnerability of hospitality employment across the globe. This causes it to be subject to regulation in areas such as miminum wages (Lucas 2003). The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) indicates that the tourism and hospitality industry is an important employment sector in both developed and developing countries. It provides over 230 million jobs, or 8.7 percent of jobs worldwide. However, there are concerns pertaining to the type of employment experience within the sector, with pessimistic views of human resource management practice based on nature of the labour market and the reliance on â€Å"marginal† workers (Nickson 2007). Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to critically review the notion that the management of human resources in the hospitality industry differs from other industries. ... volvement and participation schemes, and in union work places including negotiations between management and union representatives over decisions affecting the employment contract (Bratton & Gold 2001). Human resource management is an organizational core competency, it has a unique capability that creates high value and distinguishes an organization from competitors â€Å"in areas such as productivity, quality/ service, employee skills, and innovative changes† (Mathis & Jackson 2010: 31). Human resource management uses human capital, which is the collective value of the capability, knowledge, skills, life experiences and motivation of an organizational workforce. The responsibilities of human resource personnel can be grouped as â€Å"strategic human resource management; equal employment opportunity; staffing; talent management; compensation and benefits; health, safety, and security; and employee and labour relations. Human resource management is a vital part of organizationa l culture and plays a significant role by impacting human values, competitive advantages and global cultures. Key outcomes include increased productivity and fulfillment of organizational social responsibility. Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry â€Å"Different economic, social, legal and political factors create particular cultures and diverse employment systems† (Lucas 2003: 1). Membership of hospitality industry employees in trade unions is low, though in some countries collective agreements cover all workers. The approach towards providing good quality service is improving human resource practices. This debate is underscored by a number of theories of human resource management which form a framework for the strategies employed by tourism and hospitality organizations. It is

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